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February 25 - 28 'All That He Was' at Tisch




The cast of "All That He Was"                         Ryan Amador (director), Cindy O'Connor (composer)


Will Seefried and the thankful writer


Composer Cindy O'Connor and I traveled to New York this past weekend to attend the NYU/Tisch School of the Arts student production of our musical 'All That He Was'.  We weren't involved much, other than to answer a few questions here and there, with the production.  So, of course, we had some fears that it might not live up to our expectations.

I was completely blown away by the cast and by the direction, and the audience was as well.  I attended on three subsequent evenings, and all three were sold out.  Two of the three shows received standing ovations, and many people came up to me afterwards in tears to thank me for the show.  It was an overwhelming feeling, and one I will not soon forget.

Particularly effective were the five primary characters, all of whom were fantastic actor/singers, and embued their roles with aggressive, interesting and dynamic choices.

The director, Ryan Amador, made so many unusual and effective moves which I can't possibly list here.  So many illustrations of memories which are not dictated in the script and were very effective.  Most effective of all, however, was his choice to keep all of the characters interspersed throughout the audience for much of the show, which really made us feel like we were no just observers, but participants in the 'event.'  Based on what I saw this weekend... Ryan is a great director.

In one of the male leads, Will Seefried was also exceptionally effective.  The character is loosely based on occasions and events in my own life, and it was (and always is) so odd to see someone else play a role in which I recognize myself.  A highly flawed character, of course, as those of you who know me will attest, and the trick is to make him likeable and active, and pointedly funny, without being brash, overly self-effacing, or self centered.  (These are all things I face in my own life, of course.  This self-centered paragraph illustrates that point.)  Will was instantly likeable and pulled it off with aplomb (better than I often do in my own life.)  Of course, he is much more adorable than I am or ever was, which doesn't hurt.

It was an amazing weekend, and I have to admit I am somewhat depressed that my 'month of theatre' is actually over.  I hereby promise, therefore,  to create many more 'months of theatre' in the coming years.  And to keep you all posted!


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